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Get the New-Era Wealth Kit
Your Cost Today:
Average Price $12,230
Your "Town Hall" Emergency Meeting
Price: $1,782.50

When you claim your special one-time discount to New-Era Wealth Kit, here’s what you’ll get:

 Full-Access to Benzinga Pro: Essential – The fastest news feed designed for traders, delivering you the stock news that matters most, BEFORE major stock movements. Fully equipped dashboards with all the tools for discovering and monitoring trading and investment opportunities. Plus, full access to the Benzinga Pro rockstar herself, Anne-Marie Baiynd in a live chat room. Here she’ll post daily trade ideas that could show you quick double or triple-digit returns.
 Benzinga Pro Exclusive: Insider Report  A birds-eye-view of the markets to prepare traders for the week ahead, delivered to your email inbox every single Sunday.
 Benzinga Options School  The college-style education program you wish you took before ever buying a single option. Chris Capre hosts LIVE, college style classes on Benzinga’s brand new learning platform, holds office hours once a week, and has live collaborative trading sessions with his students. No one who takes this class ever sees the markets the same way again.
 Chris Capre’s Flow Report – As you heard today, Chris Capre has PROVEN that the FIRST STEP every single options trader should take is to learn all about ORDER FLOW. He’ll send you this report outline the order flows he sees, every single Sunday, to prepare you for trading the week ahead.
 Benzinga Growth Investor   Lead value investor, Tim Melvin, runs a model portfolio for Benzinga readers with 7 stocks he recommends you buy today. This portfolio uses a 10-pt system to score companies and only allows the highest scoring companies in the entire market. Tim’s mission: To find the next Amazon during this market drawdown.
 Matt Maley’s Inner Circle – A chatroom where Matt shares aggressive trades that can lead to massive wins. This is where Matt’s pedigree in global markets and economic analysis really shines, because subscribers get to ask his opinion on things in the news or the nitty-gritty of why he’s taking a bullish or bearish approach to trading.
 Matt Maley’s Stock Picks: Enhanced – At least 6 new swing trades with a 300% price target every single month. Each trade comes with a clearly defined entry price, target price, stop loss, expected holding time, in depth analysis and more. Matt believes first and foremost in transparency, and his work truly shows it. 

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Offer Ends In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Get the New-Era Wealth Kit
Your Cost Today:
Average Price $12,230
Your "Town Hall" Emergency Meeting
Price: $1,782.50

When you claim your special one-time discount to New-Era Wealth Kit, here’s what you’ll get:

 Full-Access to Benzinga Pro: Essential – The fastest news feed designed for traders, delivering you the stock news that matters most, BEFORE major stock movements. Fully equipped dashboards with all the tools for discovering and monitoring trading and investment opportunities. Plus, full access to the Benzinga Pro rockstar herself, Anne-Marie Baiynd in a live chat room. Here she’ll post daily trade ideas that could show you quick double or triple-digit returns.
 Benzinga Pro Exclusive: Insider Report  A birds-eye-view of the markets to prepare traders for the week ahead, delivered to your email inbox every single Sunday.
 Benzinga Options School  The college-style education program you wish you took before ever buying a single option. Chris Capre hosts LIVE, college style classes on Benzinga’s brand new learning platform, holds office hours once a week, and has live collaborative trading sessions with his students. No one who takes this class ever sees the markets the same way again.
 Chris Capre’s Flow Report – As you heard today, Chris Capre has PROVEN that the FIRST STEP every single options trader should take is to learn all about ORDER FLOW. He’ll send you this report outline the order flows he sees, every single Sunday, to prepare you for trading the week ahead.
 Benzinga Growth Investor   Lead value investor, Tim Melvin, runs a model portfolio for Benzinga readers with 7 stocks he recommends you buy today. This portfolio uses a 10-pt system to score companies and only allows the highest scoring companies in the entire market. Tim’s mission: To find the next Amazon during this market drawdown.
 Matt Maley’s Inner Circle – A chatroom where Matt shares aggressive trades that can lead to massive wins. This is where Matt’s pedigree in global markets and economic analysis really shines, because subscribers get to ask his opinion on things in the news or the nitty-gritty of why he’s taking a bullish or bearish approach to trading.
 Matt Maley’s Stock Picks: Enhanced – At least 6 new swing trades with a 300% price target every single month. Each trade comes with a clearly defined entry price, target price, stop loss, expected holding time, in depth analysis and more. Matt believes first and foremost in transparency, and his work truly shows it. 

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